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Understanding the IRS Identity Protection PIN

November 28, 2022

To prevent identity thieves from misusing taxpayers' Social Security numbers for fraudulent returns, the IRS assigns IP PINs to eligible taxpayers. As a result of IP PINs, the IRS is able to verify the identity of taxpayers and accepts only valid returns, whether they are filed electronically or on paper.

Identity Protection PIN

For many years, taxpayers with IP PIN access had to meet certain criteria, including residing in a certain state, having their identity stolen, and letting someone file a return with their Social Security number.

A new IP PIN program was introduced by the IRS in January 2021 for taxpayers who can prove their identity and wish to participate in the ID protection program. All taxpayers have access to this protection if their IDs are compromised or suspected of being compromised. IP PIN protects taxpayers from becoming repeat victims of tax-related identity theft, even if a thief already filed a fraudulent return.

A tax professional cannot provide IP PINs to their clients for security reasons. You can obtain an IP PIN online through the IRS' ID PIN service. You will have to undergo a rigorous identity verification process if you wish to request IP PIN. You have a couple of options if you aren't able to validate your identity using “Get IP PIN.”

If you have an adjusted gross income that does not exceed $72,000, you can request the IP PIN from the IRS by filling out and sending the IRS Form 15227 and an identity protection personal identification number.

IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center

It is also possible for you to set up an appointment with an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center if you do not qualify to apply using Form 15227. TACs can help you find out more about these alternative ways to request an IP PIN in order to get one. Regardless of the method you choose to apply for IP PIN, you will need to wait longer than if you applied online, for the IRS to assign you one.

How to get an IP PIN?

By using the online “Get IP PIN” tool, you can receive an IP PIN in a short period of time. A valid IP PIN can only be obtained if you have already registered on the IRS website. Beginning in mid-January through mid-November, the IP PIN tool will be available for use.

For more information about finances and how the IRS affects you, read the Tax Tips blog.

A Guide To Identity Protection PINs

The IRS assigns IP PINs to individuals in order to prevent misuse of their Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Taxpayers must have an IP PIN even if they no longer need to file a tax return, as the tax department cannot accept any e-filed tax return without their IP PIN.

In order to obtain an IP PIN:

  • A person who wants to protect his or her Social Security Number or ITIN should do so with the IRS.
  • In order to protect their dependent's SSN or ITIN, they must file with the IRS.
  • It is possible that the victim's Social Security Number, ITIN, or personal information has been stolen or fraudulently obtained.
  • An individual suspects or confirms that their identity has been stolen.

The IRS offers a comprehensive authentication check at IP PINs will be provided online as soon as authentication is complete. To enhance security, each IP PIN is generated anew every year. A person cannot opt out of the IP PIN program once enrolled.

Tax-related identity theft may result in the IRS automatically assigning an IP PIN to a taxpayer. As soon as the tax-related ID theft incident is confirmed, the taxpayer will receive a notification along with an IP PIN assigned for future tax-return filings.

A notice with your new IP PIN will be mailed to you every January, or you can retrieve your IP PIN by visiting the IRS website. To learn more about the IP PIN, contact a YokeTax professional for a free consultation

Additional things you to know about IP PIN:

  • Taxpayers and the IRS have access to this six-digit number.
  • Program participation is voluntary.
  • IP PINs are used along with Social Security numbers.
  • The IP PIN must be entered near the signature block on page 2 of the 1040.
  • One calendar year is the validity period of the IP PIN.
  • IP PINs are issued to enrolled participants annually for security reasons.
  • If their identities can be verified, spouses and dependents may apply for an IP PIN.
  • Tax prep providers and the IRS should never share IP PIN numbers.
  • Only scammers will request the IP PIN by phone, email, or text.

IP PINs are currently available for 2021, which can be used for any pending federal tax returns, including those for prior years. January 2022 will mark the beginning of the availability of new IP PINs.

The CP01A notice with your new IP PIN will be mailed to you each year if you have been a confirmed victim of tax-related identity theft.

To protect yourself from tax-related identity theft, you may consider getting an IP PIN if you don't already have one.

Please note the following if you wish to request an IP PIN:

A verification of your identity is required. An IP PIN can be obtained by family members and dependents if their identity can be verified.

Important Information about IP PINs

  • There is a one-year validity period for IP PINs.
  • You receive a new IP PIN every year.
  • Your current IP PIN can be viewed by logging back into the tool.
  • During the year, including previous years, all federal tax returns must be filed with an IP PIN.

We would be glad to answer any questions you may have concerning this topic. You can contact us for a free YokeTax consultation.

Contact info

Text "YOKE" to 210-980-0355

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